Download PDF BookSurvey of Law Library Database Licensing Practices

Free PDF Survey of Law Library Database Licensing Practices

Free PDF Survey of Law Library Database Licensing Practices

Free PDF Survey of Law Library Database Licensing Practices

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Free PDF Survey of Law Library Database Licensing Practices

The 105-page report gives detailed data about the acquisition, licensing deployment and management of online databases by law libraries in the United States and Canada. The study helps its readers to answer questions such as: How do law libraries value and evaluate different vendors of online databases How much do they spend and plan to spend and on what kinds of products do they plan to expand their collections What do they think of the training provided by database vendors and what are their feelings about the rate of price increases How do they feel about eBooks What are the most valuable sources of free legal information and how have these sources – such as Google Scholar and FindLaw – impacted legal information use In addition, the report explores the nature of negotiations between vendors and libraries, highlighting areas open to negotiation and the results of such negotiations. The study also gives detailed information on the size of staff maintained to deal with online licenses, legal expenditures for contracts, use of consortia and the annual staff time, and cost of this staff time, spent in reviewing and paying invoices for online information. Data also details the propensity to sue vendors and to be sued by them. Data in the report is broken out separately by size and type of law library. Just a few of the report’s many finding are that: • The law firm libraries in the sample spent a mean of more than 845 hours of annual staff time in reviewing and paying invoices for online information. • Law libraries sampled expected to increase their number of online contracts in the next year by 2.8%. • 42.86% of libraries sampled provided access to the Bloomberg legal information service. • Google Scholar accounted for 5.9% of the overall legal research time for law librarians in the law firms in the sample. • Tablet computers accounted for 4.46% of access to online databases for the law libraries sampled with a median of 5% and a range of 0 to 20%. Professional & Library - Value Line Thank you for your interest in subscribing to Value Line. Are you a financial advisor or currently managing assets for a corporation? If yes click the button on the ... U.S. Copyright Office Toggle navigation . About Us. Overview; Leadership; Resources and Education; Academic Partnerships; Internships Healthgrades Find a Doctor Doctor Reviews Hospital ... Hospital and Group Practices. Procedures. Conditions Free Online Surveys SurveyMonkey Create Online Surveys for Free Find out what your customers or employees are thinking with a survey today. Equities - Value Line The Value Line Investment Survey provides you with proprietary research and analysis that can help you achieve your financial goals. Choose The Value Line Investment ... ABC-CLIO ODLIS odlis_S ODLIS Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science by Joan M. Reitz Now available in print! Order a copy of the hardcover or paperback from Libraries Unlimited. Products Business Valuation Resources OUR PRODUCT CATALOG. See everything BVR has to offer including deal and market data news and research training and must-have publications for your library. SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool Create and publish online surveys in minutes and view results graphically and in real time. SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software. MDE website - Minnesota Department of Education Minnesota Department of Education ... State Capitol Grand Opening Essay Contest. Lt. Governor Tina Smith and the State Capitol Grand Opening Planning Committee today ... Course Descriptions Reynolds Community College ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE [back to top] ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice 3 cr. Presents an overview of the United States criminal justice system; introduces the ...
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